When rap came out 30 years ago I thought it was just a fad

Now it seems like it dominates the music industry, movies and fashion. My only question is why?

" it is now just real crap / by thugs .....with one step in and out of prison ''  It NEVER was any good and 30 years from now ...no 5 years from now, do you think that you will be listening to any of the, for a lack of any better words ; songs that are being played now ???? I think not  - can't say that about ' Miles Davis, Frank Sinatra , Louis Armstrong, Ray Charles, The Allman  Brothers, The Band, The Beatles  ...that list goes on.  I am amazed that crap is still around
The common denominator that ties the vast majority of the harsh critics – like garebear above – is that they lump all rap artists together.

That alone underscores that their opinions stem from ignorance.

Don’t misunderstand: everyone is of course free to express their opinions, and it is perfectly reasonable to dislike the genre. But dismissing it with a disdainful wave of the hand is simply ignorant.
"" ohhh okay I am one that's ignorant..... tell me one artist then Mr. Savat who will be relevant in say 5 years and not in prison or broke "  Give me a break ...the ignorant ones are the ones who actually but that crap   
I have made this comment a few times in this thread. Rap, whether you like it or not is irrelevant. The biggest problem I have with it is the way it contributes to the dumbing down of America. It's bad enough we have shows like Jerry Springer and the Kardashians.

For being an Industrialized country we are ranked around #37 in education. It would be bad enough if the music was the whole problem. But it is not. The rap-hip hop culture dominates fashion now. It is also the sound track in a lot of movies. I notice a lot of young people speak street slang nowadays. It is an accepted way of communicating. ( Am I am not just talking inner city youth)

The bottom line here is that the rap culture has done very little good in this society. Since it has been around our country's English skills have fallen. Our respect for woman is the lowest I have ever seen in my lifetime. The respect for people in general is down.

Sure it has helped some people get rich and kept some others from going to prison. But the negative effects definitely out weigh the positive.