Radiohead read on

Ok they are a rock band and with OK computer they won lots of critical fame. But with kidA and amnesiac they have created truely great albums. I think that they have recorded these albums in new and inventive ways and the sound quality or misuse of it is amazing. They have also pushed the musical boundries with the content and delivery of their music. I should also state that I am not such a big rock music fan but these albums are emotional inventive and intoxicating and force me to want to listen. What do you think?
The usual in regards to how modern recordings are made in an attempt to please as many listeners as possible. Recording industry would have real problems if they did not keep up with the times and do that. FBOFW. Most Radiohead is an interesting listen beyond just dynamics.

Another group that I like a lot in recent years with a penchant for experimentation and delivering good results on their recordings is The Flaming Lips. These guys have been around forever and do not get the credit or recognition they deserve IMHO most likely because they can get really far out there at times and never seem deterred which I admire. They can make Pink Floyd in their early days seem downright mainstream.  Their album "Embryonic"  is perhaps my favorite.   It is to music of its time kinda what the Beatles White Album was back in its day.
Sorry to disagree, Mapman, but music is ALL about dynamics. You can throw all the rest of the stuff away. You know, frequency response, bass response, resolution, all of it. If you can tolerate elevator music more power to you.

Well dynamics are a big part of it.  Certainly not all.   If it does not sound good enough, well then either don't listen or figure out a way to make it better.
I have all of there albums except the numerous singles they've released. Lately I find myself listening to there latest release (now years old) much more than the others. I didn't like that album much at first listen, but now truly admire it & it is recorded well. I wouldn't say it's there best (IMO that would be OK Computer), but it is very good. As far as sonics, there 45rpm single release of "paranoid android" is spectacular.  I'll have to check out MUSE. The only reason I never had is one of my daughters weird friends had that sticker on the back of her car :-) 
OK, I didn’t want to do this. Here’s the Radiohead page from the Unofficial Dynamic Range Database. Keep in mind the number 14 represents the first number in the Good range for dynamic range. The colors obviously represent Bad, Transition, and Good Dynamic Range. There are three number for each listing - Average, Minimum and Maximum Dynamic Range. Now, you tell me, is that a messed up dynamic range chart or what? And let's hear it for Pablo Honey!

Happy New Year