Enjoying My New Focal Sopra No2's

Just received my new Focal Sopra No2's (in black lacquer) a few days ago, probably half way thru the break in, these speakers amazed me when I auditioned them, even more amazing in my home.
These have exceptional clarity and detail!
I've had my Sopra No2's for about four months now.  After carefully breaking them in, I tried a few variations on their positioning and got them really "dialed in" to the room.  They just sound awesome!  They have great dynamics, incredible detail, great sound stage, and to me are very "musical".

My JL Audio F113 sub woofers arrived and I had a terrible time integrating them into my system.  The subs are just awesome, but I learned that my "man cave" acoustics, for that last octave of bass, is not.  So moving the subs around (not a trivial task for an old guy like me), and applying bass traps to some of the corners and walls, re-adjusting the subs, I finally have the sound where I want it.

To me the bass that the Sopra's produce is just excellent, but the last octave or so is not strong enough, hence the addition of the subs.

I really enjoy my setup, sound great at low, medium and (for me) somewhat louder volumes, with any kind of music I throw at them.

Really pleased with the Focals!
Hey Guys...anyone interested in starting a forum or similar to discuss setup with your Sopra's ?
I'm just starting to experiment with my pair. 
The new base is great for experimenting with room placement but I haven't decided where to bolt them down thru the carpet just yet. 
Stillpoints vs. Spikes???
any ideas???
The Sopra 2 has been reviewed and measured to have a mild mid bass lift, though it isn't enough to create a boom to the sound. This speaker is positioned in manner that its likely exciting a room node. So more work by that dealer would be needed to done. It can be done by ear and even better yet, a measurements microphone and REW.
I'd agree about the bass lift. Compared to my previous 1028, the Sopra goes deeper but with a penalty if your room is boomy. 
I expect to get the sound I'm looking for, I'll need to invest in better room treatment. 
SO it GOES in Audio🤑🤑🤑
Directstream DAC has weak bass, it’s a very inaccurate DAC. I would replace it with something else.

Also, if your equipment can take it, go with American 240V power, it’s balanced. You can get rid of the Powerplant and have more dynamics and clarity at the same time.

Personally, I'm a great fan of the active speakers from Focal, out of the world bang for the bucks.