New Year, New Music


any epic releases, any genre, slated in 2016?

This looks like a sick year for new releases!!!

 I'm really excited for : Radiohead
                                  Mutual Benefit (if you don't know this band , check out their stunning album called Loves Crushing Diamond)
                                  The Shins
                                  Sigur Ros
                                  Bon Iver   (super excited if this happens!!!!!)
                                  Real Estate (There last album was a favorite of the year)
                                  Band Of Horses 
Also,  Beck, Damien Jurado
a few more ..
U2 ,meh,
Ryan Adams,  (see the album Gold)
Animal Collective
The Cave Singers (Alt Country, See their great album from 2011 called No Witch
check out this song to see if you like.
Jeff Buckley  (See the album Grace) !!
Grandaddy   ( I love one of the the singers from this group, Jason Lytle, see the great album called Dept. Of Disapperance )
Marc Kozelek from the band Sun Kill Moon (see album called Benji, many consider it a masterpiece )
My Morning Jacket( see their great album from last year called Waterfall, then check out Z)
Gorillaz   (See lead singer's last album , Damon Albarn's called Everyday Robot) My favorite album of the year 2014
So a few more I'm looking forward to and a few great, IMHO, albums to check out.     Todd
Great to hear that My Morning Jacket is putting out another one this year.