Aesthetix Romulus Signature Upgrade Worth the $3,000 ?

Hi all,

I just purchased a "base" Aesthetix Romulus and am very happy with it. Has anyone had their unit upgraded to Signature or heard the base unit and Signature unit side by side? I am wondering what the sonic differences were and if you think it is a worthwhile upgrade. The vast majority of my units use is spinning cd's on a high resolution system. I would be particularly interested in the difference in dynamics and bass extension with the upgrade.

Thanks for looking!!

Sorry audiolabyrinth I don't know what the difference is in construction or sound. That information might have to come from a dealer or Aesthetix.

I got the Eclipse because I don't plan on getting into DSD although I was assured that it could be added later.
((( btw,  does the eclipse sound better than the signature? , if so,  what are the differences?)))
 The Signature is a solid machine and performs impressively
 The Eclipse offers another level of transparency and incisiveness
 it has a sense of emotional captivation rarely heard with other devices.
 In my opinion It is an even better bargain and only 12995.
 Best JohnnyR
Aesthetix Dealer
If you're only spinning CDs then the cap and resistor upgrade on the analog board combined with the Sistrum Apprentice rack gets you beyond Signature. I used Jupiter copper foil caps which are better than the Dynamicaps used in the Sig upgrade. Much better. They are on the level of the Stealth caps used in the Eclipse upgrade. 

Problem is the dealer nor Aesthetix will do this for you. You need a DIY friend etc...I purchased my unit used and did the upgrades. Total cost for the Romulus and upgrades was around $4000. Aesthetix will only do the full upgrade at a crazy high cost to you. 

Before  ever spending that kind of money on the full upgrade I would sell it for the better Luxman DA06 dac. Combined with a great used transport like the PS Audio memory player or a CEC unit, you would have a better sounding digital front end. 

Any decent repair or tech guy can upgrade the select resistors and caps on your analog board. It is simple to do. Sure it voids warranty, but if it is a used unit, then who cares? I sold mine for what I had put into it. Great unit, but I like the Luxman better as an FYI. 
Grannyring you did not hear the Romulus with the PS Audio Transport and to suggest that the Luxman is better is ludicrous. I can tell you the PS Audio transport and Romulus together smoke the Romulus as a CD Player.