Balanced Audio Technology Preamp - Tube compatibility question - Help


I have a BAT VK-3ix preamp and I just purchased some 1950's Sylvania 6v6GT tubes for it (presumably a power tubes of some sort).  I was going to install it and I noticed it had an extra pin in the number 1 pin location.  Pin number one I think.  According to the number 1 pin of gray glass tubes:

 NOTE ON THE METAL SHELL 6V6 TYPE: Pin 1 of the 6V6 family of tubes is usually not connected in the glass tubes, although some of the greyglass types may have the pin internally connected to the grey RF shield. The metal jacket 6V6 (no suffix) has PIN 1 CONNECTED TO THE METAL SHELL. This effectively turns pin 1 into a GROUND PIN. It is important to make sure there is no voltage or active circuit connection (other than ground) on the pin 1 connection for the 6V6 tube in your amp if you plan to use a metal shell 6V6 tube. IMPORTANT NOTE: You should ALWAYS check and/or adjust your amp output tube's bias settings when replacing 6V6 or ANY power output tube!

I bought my tubes from the and I even asked if they would work in my unit.  They said they would, but now I'm getting cold feet and don't want to blow up my gear! The ceramic input does have a connection in the pin so Im note sure.


As I read it the cautions in the statement you quoted only apply to the metal versions of the 6V6, and you have glass tubes. So while per the statement it is possible that pin 1 is connected to the grey shielding (which would seem very unlikely to result in any issues), I see nothing to indicate a possibility that it could be connected to anything else in the tube.

Also, FWIW, an older GE tube manual I have has a single pin diagram for all of the 6V6 variants, which shows no connection between pin 1 and any other internal element or any other pin. With pin 1 being designated as "S/NC," which I presume means that it may either be internally connected to the "Shell," or there is "No Connection" internally.

If you have a multimeter handy it can’t hurt to see if there is any measurable resistance between pin 1 and each of the other pins, but even if you don’t do that I don’t see any indication of a risk in the quoted statement or in the tube manual.

If you do make those multimeter measurements, btw, be sure to keep your fingers off of the metal tips of the test leads (or at least one of them), or you may get a false positive as a result of measuring the resistance of your body.

-- Al

I would not worry about this at all. If pin one is connected to something, so what? You don't have a metal base tube, but if you did pin one would be the case of the tube- even then it would not amount to anything. So play it with no worries.
Stand on a rubber mat, one hand behind your back and the other on the power switch just in case it flares up. Ok, I'm kidding, mostly.