Levinson 532h vs Ampzilla 2000

Okay, both of these amps are highly rated, very dynamic, very transparent. They have similar power ratings and very similar pricing on the Audiogon used market.
Do they sound very similar? Is anyone out there familiar with both in the same system?
I own Ampzilla 2000 series 1, but have read and heard that the 532h is a giant killer. please help me ladies and gentlemen! I am running Aerial 7t's so a pretty friendly load.
Best Regards,
don_c55 - Actually there are a lot of positive posts on the 532h. The one consistent negative is that the service is expensive and slow. But there are a lot of positive posts about the sound. Some have noted that the 532h can be somewhat laid back and dark, but that is a common characteristic of Levinson amps.

No experience with the Ampzilla, so cannot add to the comparison.
"Some have noted that the 532h can be somewhat laid back and dark, but that is a common characteristic of Levinson amps."

That is the problem with the Harmon made Levinson amps!

Also poor service.

The Ampzilla 2000's are better by far.

I own one, and have heard many Levinson amps.  Harmon ruined the brand IMO!
don_c55 - I love my 432. The Levinson characteristics are not a drawback in my system. They fit nicely. I agree that Levinson is not what it used to, but some of their products are still very good.

To each his own.