When is your Hifi good enough?

Just wondering what makes people tick in regards to determining when things sound "good enough"?

For me I have a vision in my mind of how things should sound based on what I have heard over the years.  Once it sounds that way, I am done.   I can still enjoy listening to other sounds or sounds that omit some things I might want otherwise but if I do not get regular samplings of "that sound" I probably start to wonder.
"God's greatest gift to mankind (followed closely by dogs ;-). "

I'd add family and leave it at that.

My dog loves to sit calmly and listen to my hifi. with me.    Go figure.  He's a typical hyper Jack Russell Terrier....does not happen very often.
When it's a quarter to 11:00pm, you're listening, thinking..."just one more" and you know you have to be up at 5:00am.
 If this becomes a regular occurrence, I'd say you're there.
it's never good enough and it's always more than good enough...can always be improved, but as long as that doesn't distract my total enjoyment at what I have, all is well...
It's always about the music &, as chayro mentioned, while funds & interest allow.
I suspect we will always be curious... (For some that may also be in a sexual sense...)