I think that anything you listen to deserves high fidelity reproduction, whether you consider it music or not. You'll enjoy it more with a good system. That's my opinion.
That said, if the content has no melody, then it's not music. Melody is the substance of music; no melody, no music. Simple as that. If you want to get technical, harmony and rhythm are outgrowths of the melody, which is the core. You can have only chords and a repetitious drum beat, but that's like having an empty box with nice wrapping paper.
Of course, you could call anything you want music. That's in the realm of opinion. I can call my cat a dog, but that doesn't make my feline a canine. I hope we can agree that you wouldn't call a building with no foundation, no roof, crooked walls and a few doors and windows a good house. It may be where you live, and you have every right to love it as your home, but that doesn't make it a sound structure. Strumming chords is not a song; repeating a rhythm on drums is not music. That's not racist, rigid, opinionated or narrow-minded. It's just fact. And it still allows you to enjoy someone speaking rhythmically over an ostinato rhythm in high fidelity.