What vintage speaker might you use today

Like to find out what "vintage speakers" members would/might use in their current audio set-up

Do you think what made them special was the synergy between them and the amp used, or just the fact they were well designed and performed way above their price tag.??
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-- Al
It's an interesting thread to say the least.  The more I listen to newer speakers, I don't think that many if any of the older ones hold a candle to them.  The newer ones just use better materials etc... that the older ones can't match.  Even the smaller stand mounts aren't in the same ballpark. I've owned plenty of the older gear and they just aren't even close to what you can get today.  There are many speakers that I never would have purchased, that today can't be beat.  Some of that is learning even more about listening.  Vandersteen is one of those companies. I originally wanted a pair of 2's, but when I went to buy them, the dealer turned me onto Proac's.  I purchased the Proacs (much more expensive) and keep them along with other Proac's for many years.  When I went to the Proac dealer a few years ago and he made me listen again to Vandersteen's...I had been listening for a year as I wanted an upgraded set up.  I ended up getting the Treo's and am in love with each of his speakers.  he just gets it.  Some folks like other speakers that are 'hotter' in the high end plus we all have different things we listen for.  In the end, there are fun speakers from years past and as time passes our former speakers sound better ;).....
Many years ago I head the OHM A's which readily clipped the Phase Linear 700 watt/channel amp....but I thought it was the Kat's Pajamas
I've heard those with the huge Crown amps that were out there in a similar time.  It was always fun listening and hearing better and better sounds.
"Did I miss anyone mentioning a Vandy? Their model 2Ce is a keeper "

Yeah - my main system speakers have been Vandersteen 4As for many years. He only built a couple of hundred of them whenever he could spare the time from production of the more popular and less expensive models, so there aren't many out there.

I saw a pair on Ebay awhile ago for $1,000 which is a screaming bargain in terms of how much speaker you get.  The downside is that they are meant to be biamped and triwired and you need a separate crossover (or to roll off the bass using the same high quality caps they use for the 2W subs) nd a way of adjusting bass volume.  But it is worth it.

They were his best until he started in on the more modern high end stuff with the 5s.