Is high end audio to snooty for its own good?

I think it has become that way. Some people flaunt that they have high end systems and they listen to certain kinds of music and I think it puts the hobby in a negative light at times.
@souljasmooth go listen to a group called Black Violin they have a song called "Brandenburg"it's to classically trained violinists that do hip hop.  They have a video to the song on YouTube. Check it out and tell me what you think.  

Calvinj, just looked it up.  I like it....I wish there was more of it with different artist.  I know a good handful of rappers can play instruments, and you can hear it in some of their songs.  Just wish they would use their talents more.
Yeah, they are great.   I love the video. It is the perfect fit for the thread.  Lol. Anyway I have some great friends in this hobby. Some with great cutting edge gear. I originally asked the question because I don't fit the typical audiophile box.  I have an high end system but I listen to hip hop, blues, jazz, Latin Jazz, classical, rock, Christian, etc.  I just noticed that some of the dealers and hobbyists are kind of uppity at times.  I was trying to buy some Dali epicon speakers from a place in Dallas and was ready to pull the trigger but the dealer was extremely snooty. So I had my current  speaker the gato fm6 shipped from Denmark.  I asked the question about being snooty because there are really some great folks in the hobby.  Then there are the extreme guys that can be on the obsessive nutty side. My group in Dallas is not like that.  They are good guys. Some of my closest buddies.  I love a variety of music. I respect the musicians, art and lyrics. There is some diva behavior in the hobby though that I could do without.

Well the reason why the question was asked because there seems to be the idea that lower end equipment and certain musical genres are somehow inferior. I don’t think the hobby should be that way. I have been fortunate enough to experience the growth of hip hop at the same time enjoy jazz, rock and blues. I have an appreciation for some classical music but i don’t listen to it most of the time. I think that it can be that way at times but I think at times it can be a little high brow. However there are people in it that are truly in it for the music and sound quality. There are others that are in it too say look what I got and because I have it I’m somehow better than a DIY guy. Lol. Interesting conversation