Dear friends: I questioned my self several times about with no sure answer in this " easy " question.

A priori almost all of us think we are and through the Agon threads ( and in other forums. ) we try to show " we are ". We try to share our experiences and " best " learning and at the same time through those thread  discussion we try to learn. Well not all, many of us posted/post to be the winner: the one with the right  and only explanations.

Through my audio life I learned that exist no single audiophile ( included proffesionals reviewers/"gurus". ) whom write the right audio " bible ", many of us have higher knowledge level on some audio topics and " almost "  all ignorants with other topics it does not matters what that " guru " can think.

IMHO the high-end audio experience is a day by day endless learning and we can learn not only from those " gurus " but from the " rookies " too.

Now, the main subject in the thread is to find out with certainty what means: T E A   level  and to start somewhere first I would like ,  along all of you,  try to find out the definition of an Audiophile.

So, the thread is totally open for all of us come to help on this T  E  A   quest.

So, for you: what's and AUDIOPHILE ?  main characteristics for ?

W E L C O M E D  !!!  your effort is appreciated. Btw, the thread is NOT and evaluation of each one of us but looking for answers and a learning exercise for all.

Regards and enjoy the music,

Ag insider logo xs@2xrauliruegas
       I met Ted about 25 years ago & over time I considered him like an older brother.
He is one of those (one of a kind) people that everyone seeks to like & respect.
Together we have entertained many of my most affluent clients, have eaten in the very best of restaurants, enjoyed some of the best cigars,
sampled some great wines & cognacs & have gone to some really great concerts.
Ted does not own a great audio system, but he just seems to know a ton more than anyone I have ever met about audio.
He's very well educated, works for doctors & sets up cc surveylance systems.
In the past Ted has re-wound the coil of a very expensive cartridge, re-worked my Tandberg reel to reel deck, repaired a power amp & replaced a tweeter on a speaker that blew - Just to name a few things.
He just has a great ear & is more than willing to help as long as it does not require heavy lifting.
Very few people are blessed with his talent - I was blessed with knowing him.
I think that he is way too humble to consider himself a TAE, but I most certainly do!
For you guys who like snake oil - I hope to open a TAE school soon here in NY.
There will be 25 credits over 25 months @ $2K per credit & as soon as I can clone Ted - We Will Go NATIONAL!
I don't think of myself as an expert, but I know what I like and don't like. The only thing I may be an expert in, when it comes to audio, is finding ways to spend money! 

Seriously, this hobby of ours is interesting- I'm always learning and discovering new things, nuances, and getting a kick out of it in the process. I also get a kick out of things that are hailed by some as marvels, and are, to my ears, utter BS. Tice clock anyone? 

Its all  in the service of the music, which is why I cling to FM- free music, and am quite content to listen to radio stations world wide via tune in radio, on my phone, which is then connected to my preamp. 

Can I set up a turntable and install a cartridge? Sure. Can I fiddle with speakers placement for a while until the speakers disappear? Yes, but none of this makes me an expert. Just someone with some experience. Going back to the 70's
T.E.A is someone "gifted" to create "magical" setups with whatever choices available. It doesnt come just by great knowledge or golden ears. He must be gifted by almighty to hit that "magic" sound almost every time he attempts.
Would only profess to truly be a heart felt vinylphile, I am but a student, and perhaps a somewhat reluctant audiophile... How is that defined? Hell, I do’know.