Need small size speakers for fireplace.

I asked this some ~18 months ago, and now that the fireplace is finished and I am now in a position to consider an upgrade in the speakers I am using to augment my TV/movie viewing, I am back with this question:

What speakers are you aware of that would fit into a space 11.25" by 7” and retail at or under $1500 ?  I would likely buy a used pair. They will be used with a subwoofer, and can be closed box or ported.  I am looking to put together a list and will research suggested pairs online to narrow down pairs to purchase.  Thanks in advance.  

There is a pair of Spendor S3/5's listed here for $420. I had them years ago and I think they would fit the bill. If you are looking to buy new they go for $1600. IMO,they are a great little speaker!
Guess I forgot to mention that the speakers would not go into the fireplace proper but into compartments made for them on either side, hence the restriction on size. I do think if I were to burn speakers as apposed to money on them, ash would be preferred over MFD, no glue. :-)

I checked on the size on the Spendors and the ATC, both too tall at 12”. Otherwise very good suggestions. Would have probably purchased the used Spendors.
Ah, they’re not going in the fireplace? Then I change my answer from ash to pecan since the speakers would be pecan out from compartments at the sides of the fireplace.
Check the Role Audio small monitors, even smaller than the affore mentioned.  Of course bass becomes an option.
geofflait, Yes, I will have speakers pecan out from fireplace sides and pecan wood shedding light on the subject. 

celtic66, I will check out the Role Audio speakers, never heard of that make.  I will be using a subwoofer. 

I was a nut for not making the compartments 1” taller. I would have liked the Spendors.