World of Mcintosh Lifestyle space

Fine Sounds that recently changed their name to World of Mcintosh has opened up a lifestyle space to showcase their products in N.Y.C. Some of the lines they carry are Mcintosh, Audio Research and Sonus Faber. 

By using this Lifestyle approach to their products do you feel it will alienate some of their traditional customers? Or do you think it will just bring in more customers that would otherwise not have any Involvement with the traditional audio scenario? 

Fine Sounds Group now owns... McIntosh, Audio Research and Sonus Faber.

These company's are Hallmarks in the audio world and will continue too endure the test of time. A lot of companies are merging, take a look around.

Matt M
I was asking about the merger of the companies. I was talking about the way they were marketing the product by trying to go with this Lifestyle approach through there World of Mcintosh display theme.

I don't know how to edit my post. I meant to say I wasn't asking about the merger of the companies.