Need small size speakers for fireplace.

I asked this some ~18 months ago, and now that the fireplace is finished and I am now in a position to consider an upgrade in the speakers I am using to augment my TV/movie viewing, I am back with this question:

What speakers are you aware of that would fit into a space 11.25" by 7” and retail at or under $1500 ?  I would likely buy a used pair. They will be used with a subwoofer, and can be closed box or ported.  I am looking to put together a list and will research suggested pairs online to narrow down pairs to purchase.  Thanks in advance.  

To expand on my approach, I am developing a list of speakers that I could buy used and resell if they don’t work out. I will research all suggested models online to determine if a model suits my needs.

Currently I am using a Pioneer Elite 35r integrated. It is the least expensive integrated that I can recommend to many of my non-audiophile friends. Should I find a pair of speakers that would benefit from better amplification I would replace the 35r.

This system is actually a tertiary one. It resides in our living room primarily to augment the video experience, however is in use for FM and streaming Pandora via a wireless NAD DAC1. I have a primary in a dedicated listening room, I call it my ’nightclub’.  I have a secondary one I use outside when weather permits and which is a constant state of flux as I like to explore what is possible to achieve with $1000-$1500 on the used market. I also am playing with a headphone system.

I am retired and have more time to play.  

Just want to thank everyone for the enjoyment and education I get from participating on this forum.   

I am taking an interest in a pair of Sous Faber Toy monitors for sale here on AG. Any thoughts?
The Role Sampan FTL looks interesting to me. Role's sister company NSMT - Model 10S also look interesting. I have not heard either of them, but I've been curious about them both for years.....
Celtic and reubent, thanks for the Role Audio suggestion. Never heard of that company nor have ever seen any come up used either.  
I checked out Role, I will keep an eye on the used market for the small monitors. Thanks!