Best mellow sounding 12ax7 for Thor TA-1000 preamp

I just bought  Thor TA-1000 and am very impressed with the resolution but want it to be more mellow sounding... Darker and less treble emphasis. Can anyone recommend the most musical but mellow/organic 12ax7 for the Thor? When I bought it the unit has telefunkens. The outputs are already mullards so I am focused on the inputs.

It is feeding vtl mb-185 signature amps and quad esl63 with vandersteen 2wq subs.

You sure cannot lump all 5751's together.  Try some GE grey plates and you will get a leaner presentation.  Try some RCA black plates and you will get warmer.  And there are a whole lot of variations in between.  I do think "Joe's Tube Lore" does a pretty fair assessment of the options available, and is worth your reading (it's in the FAQ for Tubes in audio asylum).

I compared RCA 5751 triple mica black plates to Mullard CV4004 tubes (12AX7 equivalent) from Upscale Audio in the input section of an EAR 890 and I found the Mullards to be too closed in on top, too warm, and a bit "fuzzy" in focus for my tastes (the EAR 890 is a warmer sounding amp to begin with IME).  If you live in Minneapolis area I could loan you a bunch of different 5751's to roll - - it's a lot of fun!
Jbrrp1, wish I lived in Minneapolis. It feels like Minneapolis here in St. Louis now. I may try some used mullard 12ax7 as an experiment because right now I need "too warm" to balance the edginess.
St. Paul is nicer - - I went to high school there.  I live just across the river from St. Paul, so I really get to enjoy the best of both now!
NOS Telefunken ECC 83s
and if you really want to break the bank ECC 803 s

Andy at Vintage Tube Services is without a doubt an incredible source, impecebly knowledgeable, the most refined  testing, my highest recommendation.