Do you think audiophiles are the most gullible hobbyists

They seem to fall for anything. I have had other hobbies before and people seem to be more sensible. What is it about Audiophiles that makes them so gullible?

Geoffkait discussing gullibility is the ultimate hypocrisy in audiophilia. 
andrew9405, I see you got an A in Logic 101 and 102 !

Map, there are a lot of those studies around , Swiss one  is skewed towards money.
The best ones , the ones that consider EVERY aspect of human life 
 rank the USA somewhere in the mid-20's which strikes me as about right .
Of all developed countries US is best place for the rich and greedy, worse place for the poor and needy .
I'm getting a very bad feeling.  

By the way it should probably be pointed out that the primary things the Swiss have given mankind is the cuckoo clock and a safe place for crooks to hide their money.

Examples of the cuckoo clock, beyond their facade, can be wonderful examples of precision engineering.
Politics of any country are irrelevant to audiophilia gullibility.
Now, that aluminum helmet you wear seems to adversely affect your rational thinking processes.
Well Swiss are worlds oldest democracy and unlike USA  results are honest and strickly one-man , one vote  .
Of course USA is a Republic NOT a democracy and here one vote in a swing state is worth a hundred in a non-swing state .
Swiss sure are backward .