Tonearm recommendation

Hello all,
Recently procured a Feickert Blackbird w/ the Jelco 12 inch tonearm.
The table is really good, and its a keeper. The Jelco is also very good, but not as good as my Fidelity Research FR66s. So the Jelco will eventually hit Ebay, and the question remains do I keep the FR66s or sell that and buy something modern in the 5-6 K range. My only point of reference is my old JMW-10 on my Aries MK1, so I don't know how the FR66s would compare to a modern arm. So I'd like to rely on the collective knowledge and experience of this group for a recommendation.

Keep the FR66s, or go modern in the 5-6K range, say a Moerch DP8 or maybe an SME.

Any and all thoughts and opinions are of course much appreciated.

Cheers,      Crazy Bill
Raul and Detonarm had almost constant disagreements about tonearms and cartridge geometry years ago.
Raul had proudly announced he had designed a new tonearm which was to debut at CES 2013.....we are still waiting.
Detonarm (Deitrich Brakemeier) has since gone on to start Acoustical Systems which produces cartridge alignment jigs and products used by Reviewers and professionals the world over, as well as ingenious headshells, tonearms and cartridges.
They have just released images of a new state of the art turntable costing 1/2 million dollars....😱
So while one True Expert Audiophile has gone on to acclaimed success on the back of his undisputed knowledge....the other pretender wallows in ignorant self-adulation....🙈💩

You're welcome Bob,
By the way wrm.....I've listened to that very Denon cartridge
with the FR-66s
and as Fleib is a sweet combination..😎
Dear fleib: That Audio magazine review ( and exist many similars. ) tell us the importance to have a well damped tonearm because with the Technics " disconected " damping mechanism Pisha listen tracking problems/distortions and was till he " switch on " that mechanism when he was surprised the effectiveness about and where the cartridge shows it at its best.

I think that you have a misunderstood on what I'm  explain it here or I did not explain it in the right way.

Forgeret about that resonance frequency theory and analize only the facts on  playback.

" It does not matters " the cartridge compliance and tonearm effective mass if you have a well damped tonearm design.

Btw, I have to rectify on the Micro Seiki 237/282 because is not all metal design, is not 12" but shorter ( its flag  ship model in japan was the 237 not the 282. ) and is well damped. Good design against the " terrible " SAECs and FRs.

In those all times when some one in japan ask to a japanese audiophile which was his preference and why between SAEC and MS tonearms the audiophiles gone through the SAEC because they said " is more alive ".
That " alive " touch are in reality not music information but the distortion touch of the SAEC bad damped and ringing bearings against the the MS with lower distortions.

problem with persons like you and many many other is that are not trained ( self trained ) to discriminate  those additional subtle distortions exited and out of control because those undamped heavy metal tonearms and that " alive/power " are not but distortions and not  real music information.

In the last 36 hours I received  several emails asking why to bother about low frequencies that we can't hear and that almost all audio systems can't reproduce:

well, any resonance has fundamental frequency where happen that resonance ( it does not matters where it comes. ) and that means that at the same time that is happenuing are created its harmonics exactly as the harmonics in the music and that's why those " distortions " always affect all the listening frequency spectrum and we have to take in count that those " distortions " happen all over the frequency range not only at 8 hz or 20 hz but at 3 khz too ( for whatever reasons. .

Non damped tonearms only increase that minute to minute " phenomenon ".

Got it ?

Fleib, any thread is not a contest so please don't try to beat me because a thread is a whole opportunity for all of us to learn. A thread is not who is right but what we can learn.

Appreciated your attitude about. We need your contribution and if your contribution was what is in those posts, that's ok. for me.

Btw, I know exactly what I'm talking about. Is very dificult for any one of us to have a dialogue when exist diferent levels of ignorance in between persons. My level is high and I know it.

regards and enjoy the music,
rauliruegas7,360 posts
" I know exactly what I'm talking about. Is very dificult for any one of us to have a dialogue when exist diferent levels of ignorance in between persons. My level is high and I know it."

If your knowledge is so superior and your "facts" so certain, what's the point of you contributing here? Evidently, you believe the existing "levels of ignorance" frustrate your abilty to prove your points, such as that we should " Forgeret about that resonance frequency theory."

Personally, I've not been waiting for your arrival here so that you can instruct us on how you've reinvented the wheel.