Do you have a secret "guilty pleasure" recording?

You know...a recording that you would never play for anyone else because you are afraid they would think your nuts and snicker. I'll go ahead and admit mine - "The Carpenters Greatest Hits." Now stop that! I bet you have a guilty pleasure recording. What is it?
roseofsa, nothing "guility" about that .
Anyone with any taste at all would hear the Four Freshman and Torme
are both 1st class .
Brian Wilson learned harmony from listening to his mothers Four Freshmen LP's. Beautiful.
Thanks Schubert. And Ive heard that story about the Freshmen too.
Here's another one of my faves which will give away my age....
Jo Stafford.
And if anyone is still of my ultimate faves is 'Nat Cole sings, George Shearing plays'.