Any Audio Enthusiasts in Alabama?

Anyone out there?
Your exactly right Kgturner. I recently traveled to Atlanta to listen to the Bryston 28B SST Mono Amps. They were very impressive. I plan on listening to the Audio Research Ref 5 Preamp with the Ref CD8 for comparison to the Ref 3 CD7.
My system consist of Macintosh MC402 Amp, Macintosh C46 Pre Amp, Audio Research CD7, Paradigm Signature S8 Speakers. I have been reading lots of post on cables and want to upgrade in the near future. My interconnects are nothing special just Balanced Tributaries, Power cables are all standard that came with equipment, Speaker cables are from Likis Audio no brand name, Yellow in color, Biwire.
Sweet Home Alabama where the skies are so blue!

I'm in Gadsden.

Saskia Turntables
Mobile,Al, thou I am from panama city fl,Ft. walton beach, Destin Fl.,pensacola Fl.