Tonearm recommendation

Hello all,
Recently procured a Feickert Blackbird w/ the Jelco 12 inch tonearm.
The table is really good, and its a keeper. The Jelco is also very good, but not as good as my Fidelity Research FR66s. So the Jelco will eventually hit Ebay, and the question remains do I keep the FR66s or sell that and buy something modern in the 5-6 K range. My only point of reference is my old JMW-10 on my Aries MK1, so I don't know how the FR66s would compare to a modern arm. So I'd like to rely on the collective knowledge and experience of this group for a recommendation.

Keep the FR66s, or go modern in the 5-6K range, say a Moerch DP8 or maybe an SME.

Any and all thoughts and opinions are of course much appreciated.

Cheers,      Crazy Bill
Dear atmasphere: I agree with that Triplanar tonearm and when you have the opportunity the Kuzma 4point is a must to " hear " in your own system, very good too.

Regards and enjoy the music,

Raul, I think your patronizing attitude about others' knowledge on this and other subjects, is not appreciated, at least not by me. Mine is not a general recommendation. It is specific to Crazy Bill's two low compliance carts, and possibly a third, the Miyajima Zero.  I admit the Zero recommendation is guesswork on my part.  I think I stated as much on my initial post.

I don't think the FR64s and 66s are a good choice for general use and cartridge swapping as some other people might, but in this case, mated w/Rosewood or a modified 103, it can sound quite good.  In certain circumstances the arm is prone to ringing, but this is not one of those circumstances IMO.  Ringing can be alleviated by damping the arm tube. Having a replaceable headshell allows finding a synergistic combination and adjusting mass somewhat.

It was you who challenged my recommendation and started talking about ideal resonance range theory, yet you made no recommendation. Waiting for your arm to be introduced, or is that not imminent?

This forum happens to be in English. If you can't understand what's being said or can't express yourself so you can be understood, whose fault is it? You're obviously remedial in some of these tech subjects, but I don't think challenging others is a good strategy to learn. 


Wow Raul,
You are quite the PIECE OF WORK. And that's not a compliment.

First:  "Are your ears trained in a specific way to discriminate subtle distortions ".

No. Of course not. Are YOURS ? And if so, who trained you and what are their qualifications and what is their methodology ? I doubt you'll have an answer other than your usual crap of  " IMHO ".

 For the record, it's Medicare time in March ( meaning I turn 65 ), and I've been on this earth listening to MUSIC for quite some time. I have been exposed during that time on a regular ongoing basis to live unamplified acoustical music, and I KNOW what instruments, especially those used in orchestras ( i.e. strings, brass, woodwinds, percussion, and VOCALS ) sound like. And THAT is the basis for my judgements on what sounds like real instruments and music when reproduced, not some IMHO KRAP ( misspelling intended ) like you throw out.

"   because I know people in this thread that can't discriminate the IMD "
Really, name them. Tell us who they are so they can either confirm your accusations that they're stupid or defend themselves against them. I'm going to guess that no names will come forth, because, as usual, we;re talking about your " IMHO ", which, as is apparent you are trying to convince the less educated here ( which, according to you is everyone but you ) that you are right and everyone else is mistaken. Quite sad.

Raul, I don't think you would know what an unbiased opinion is if it hit you upside your head. Don't you notice that you appear to be an island here on your own, and that NO ONE supports you or your opinions. I would suggest to you that you should take note of that and look inward as to how you conduct your business here. That's quite telling.

That said, if there is anyone here following this thread that thinks Raul is an analog guru whose musings should be given consideration, and that some of us are clearly wrong, over the top, and are being too harsh, come out from hiding and be heard. I'm always willing to listen to the other camp.

Thanks. I'll take a look at the Tri-Planar. You wouldn't by any chance be the OTL amp people. I roll my own low powered SE tube circuits ( usually Triode strapped EL84 stuff ), but the OTL circuits have always intrigued me. Maybe some day.  Thanks for the info.

Cheers,                         Crazy Bill

P.S. Actually, the full name is Crazy Bill The Eel Killer. Interesting story, if anyone cares.

Dear Crazy Bill-Keep the 66s!!!
Don't listen to any of these ramblings.
if you must have a modern arm, buy one for high compliance cartridges and decide for yourself,
but keep the 66s.
well, any resonance has fundamental frequency where happen that resonance ( it does not matters where it comes. ) and that means that at the same time that is happenuing are created its harmonics exactly as the harmonics in the music and that’s why those " distortions " always affect all the listening frequency spectrum and we have to take in count that those " distortions " happen all over the frequency range not only at 8 hz or 20 hz but at 3 khz too ( for whatever reasons. .
And of course we all know that the harmonics of 8Hz (16Hz,24Hz,32Hz,40Hz,48Hz, 56Hz etc) do absolutely no harm to the tonearm in vibration mode whilst the harmonics of 7Hz (14Hz, 21Hz, 28Hz, 35Hz, 42Hz, 49Hz) render the tonearm a weeping sloppy mess..😱
If we needed more proof of Raul’s ignorance of a tonearm’s Resonance Frequency...he has amply provided it.
Oh...and just one other thing.....a Tonearm’s Resonant Frequency has no effect on the SOUND of a particular tonearm/cartridge combination and there are no peer-reviewed scientific papers which have ever claimed this.
It is ’audiophiles’ who take the fact of a physical phenomenon (Resonant Frequency) extrapolate unproven and unsubstantiated properties to accompany this phenomenon.