Is the word 'Integrated' that hard to spell?

When I sell an item here, or write anything for that matter, there are no typos. It's as if my browser detects typos so I can fix them. Oh wait, all browsers have spelling error detection for at least 5 years (a simple setting toggle).

There's an advert here now for an 'Integtrated.' And often others for 'intergrateds.' And speakers with good low 'base.' The latter is a grammar error, and even lazier. On an audio site, do we not know how bass is spelled? Really?

Of course, upon moving to NC last year, I discovered that 'chair' is actually two syllables.

Go ahead, flame away. Make sure to spell check first so it's legible.

There is a disturbing trend today for people to spell a word as they want and its the reader's problem to try and figure out what that person is saying. So in essence, there is no onus on the writer to be correct, it's simply not his/her problem, but I am surprised at the number of people today who are very accepting of this practice. It simply doesn't matter.

But, the bigger problem, is it's simply not taught in school these days. There are no phonics classes anymore.
It's our slow progression to the society in the movie "Idiocracy".
All those years I've been in the working world (about 50 of them), I've been surprised at how sloppy people can be with letters, memos and emails; it detracts from the perceived "professionalism" when it contains all those miss-spellings.