Granny ring, Jetrexpro, all

Are any of you building power cords with the Western Electric WE16ga? I see that a bunch of fellas on the Jeff Day Blog are making them with very good success. Day has also made some and it seems he may install on his
Mac MC30s. How about it? Any updates? Best, Rob
A poster on Jeff Day Blog has apparently located a 1,000 foot reel of WE16ga wire. I believe he is going to sell some to folks who want/need more of the WE16ga. Best, Rob

Just no,time to post and update folks on various sites. Takes a lot of time and follow up as we all know. I suspect he is aware of these threads.  I will stick to here and DIY forums when I need DIY guidance. 
Grannyring, Jet,
hear you. Likely Day spends some time here. I know he was impressed by your work; I'm positive he is also pressed for time and deadlines. Perhaps that is why Day can not experiment to umpteenth degree and sometimes misses out; but I for one have improved my musical pursuit by learning from Day, Yazaki-san, and you and Jet, Charles1Dad. I trust all your ears and skill, plus you are good folks willing to help others. Best, Rob

Guys, I spent 3 weeks burning in and five days listening to 10ft runs of WE10g stranded speaker wire. My speakers are Audio Note ANe's which are Bi Wired so I used four 10 ft. runs on each speaker. The speaker taps on my Audio Note output transformers are in direct contact with the bare 10g wire. After all of that burn in time and 5 days of listening, the 10gWE stranded wire sounded very thick, too rich and slow and it did not improve over the five days.  After a few days of no improvement,  I stripped off some more insulation from the AN output tranny's 8ohm taps and wrapped the additional tranny wire tightly and securely around the un-terminated 10g wire but still no improvment. Once I reinstalled the 16g WE stranded wire the balance and musicality returned. Not sure why the 10g wire sounded so bloated. Maybe the combination of warm sounding AN speakers and warm sounding 300b tubes and the 10g wire was just too much. I am not giving up on WE10g and have some additional ideas as to why they didn't sound good. But for now I am going to enjoy my great sounding 16gWE stranded speaker wire - Regards Jet.
Thanks Jet for that report. So far I'm using the WE10ga as power cord from wall with Oyaide R-1 and plate set-up to a Cable Pro power strip with no limiting factors. My Coincident Dynamo 34SE is Connected to the Cable Pro via WE10ga. The Transport and DAC are connected to the same strip via WE14ga. WowWowWow!!! Beautiful tone, texture, emotion, dynamics, soundstage wall to wall, great scale, deep, as well. Nicely layered. The harmonic rightness is spectacular. Male and female voices to die for. No hum, buzz, black background and much, much, more...Synergistic Red Fuses next...