What's up with the ridiculous offers?!?

Is it just me or are the high volume of low-ball offers surprising anyone else?

Example: I list an item at 60% off what a current, desirable  component sold for new, and I get an offer for half (or less) of what I am asking! I've have been buying and selling high end audio & video gear for over 40 years and I know the value of gear, but I have never experienced such an destructive trend. I expect it from Craigslst or at a garage sale, but not from Audiogon.

I understand an occasional low offer, and it's usually accompanied with an explanation or apology for the balz it takes to make such an offer, but I am getting absolutely offensive offers for more than 75% of what I list.  

Are there any other sellers that would like to commiserate with me? Am I missing something? Is it just me?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xva6007
" Why so hard to just ignore and move on?  "

This kind of negative trend can greatly affect our love and passion for the "art" of high-end audio. Trust me; I've been

Most people don't realize the impact that used gear value has on the entire industry for both new and used items. This trend of undervaluing components is very destructive, not to mention disrespectful.

Sorry...I just can't ignore it (but I'll try Mr. Yin Yang).
Post removed 
Va6007, the reason that I think Mapman suggests to ignore it is because it isn’t necessarily a reflection on the industry, or the value of your gear, or the state of audio sales or audio secondary market values. Offers like that are often a reflection on the individual making the offer. Now, granted, in poor economies - and regardless of whatever bat guano Grandma Yellen wants to feed us about how we are in recovery I do believe we are in a recession - it does become a buyer’s market and we have to expect that buyers will hunt for extreme deals. That doesn’t offend me, and it can go both ways...you may find yourself the buyer one day getting one of those great deals. But the really stupid offers, like you’re getting, those happen everywhere. My all-time favorite was an offer on eBay for a solid platinum Rolex Yachtmaster, a watch that usually sells used for about $25K - and I got an offer of $200. There are, unfortunately, people out there who in evolutionary intelligence are one step removed from Miocene monkeys, and you really do want to ignore them.
Ah, the voice of reason!

Thanks for the warm fuzzy bcgator!

For the record; I don't get offended by an occasional low offer; again, I've been doing this for over 40 years. I get offended by multiple ridiculous offers that don't even warrant the "strike" of my decline button.

I almost always accept offers within 10%-15% of my asking price. And when I am buying, I expect similar...no more.
Oil barons must be really pissed these days.  

I am not in the hifi business but can empathize with those that are.  It's always been a tough way to make a livings itch slim profit margins. Etc. .  I would not want to have to.  

Fact is it's easier than ever these days to get very good sound.  Heck an iPhone 6s and good phones probably could appease most.   It's hard to place big value on things that in the end may only performe marginally better than the norm if that even in some cases.