Who are the most underground high-end companies

When I say underground I am talking about companies that fly below the radar. Not much talk about them on audio forums, little if no reviews, no formal advertising, rarely see their gear at shows.

Hey brethren, I’m not saying one outfit’s gear is better than another’s. But electrons move in a certain, defined, predictable and unalterable way. Along that way their passage gets corrupted whether by tubes or silicon or wire resistance and capacitance. So it's your choice of which distortion you like best. But over short distances in a home system these factors are hardly, if at all, measurable. AB comparisons are nigh impossible in a show-room, because of the many other variables objective and subjective. A louder amp or a more efficient speaker will almost always sound better. All’s I’m saying is, get rid of as many middle-men as possible and you will come out ahead. That’s simple math. Checked your hearing lately? I bet if you’re 50 years old you can’t hear much above 4 or maybe 5 kHz, so why pay a premium for stuff that on a test bench with a scope can turn out 100 kHz? Inter-connects, i.e. speaker leads and the co-ax that connects everything, are just pushing electrons down, or rather outside, a pipe. The rest is snake oil.
Intuitive Design/Mosaic Acoustics/Essence ElectroAcoustics (Dale Pitcher products)

Green Mountain Audio

Sound Science