Harbeth 40.1 - Need some tips on placement from current owners.

Love to hear some tips on ideal placement. I have a 19 x 24 foot room with the speakers on the short wall. Normal 8 foot ceiling. They will be on carpet over concrete. I am thinking of bringing them out 7 feet from the wall behind them. What about nearfield listening? Toe-in if any? Love to hear some comments. Thanks all.
I agree with your description of the M-40.1's being full bodied and natural sounding.  They just sound right to me.

I compare my 40.1's to my previously owned Dynaudio C4's as follows:

Dyn C4's are like a sports care:  fast, exciting and electrifying... but after a while, you tire of listening too them and you just want to relax and enjoy the ride.

The big Harbeth's on the other hand are like a fine luxury car:   smooth, powerful and great for long rides.... never tiring, always enjoyable and good for the soul. 
may be you have to try luxman power amp ,I see you have luxman dac,may be the sound will be more controled without thickness
Bill the Harbeths will sound great with any quality amp ss or tube.  You will have fun.  Also bring out your jazz cd's and enjoy.