Fmalitz, thanks very much for providing the info in your post above. I have a couple of questions concerning the following statement:
Finally, and I’ve left the most intriguing aspect for last, it cannot be compared to any other speaker in terms of technology. The 22 mid-woofers per tower are wound with high back-EMF voice coils. Each functions as a microphone as well as a speaker. We listen to the room constantly and force a correcting voltage into your amp’s feedback loop so the system is self-equalizing. Nothing like this exists nor has it ever from anyone else.
Would it therefore be undesirable to use the speaker with an amp that doesn’t have a feedback loop?
Also, how does the self-equalization function take into account that different amplifiers may incorporate very different amounts of feedback, and may also subject the back-EMF to very different output impedances and damping factors?
Thanks again. Regards,
-- Al