$15,000 Speaker Does Not List Freq Response Specs

Am I being too picky here? I came across a speaker mfg that does not list the frequency response specs for their speaker.

I think that may be asking a little too much by a mfg to not list this specification...especially in this price range.
Fmalitz, thanks very much for providing the info in your post above. I have a couple of questions concerning the following statement:
Finally, and I’ve left the most intriguing aspect for last, it cannot be compared to any other speaker in terms of technology. The 22 mid-woofers per tower are wound with high back-EMF voice coils. Each functions as a microphone as well as a speaker. We listen to the room constantly and force a correcting voltage into your amp’s feedback loop so the system is self-equalizing. Nothing like this exists nor has it ever from anyone else.
Would it therefore be undesirable to use the speaker with an amp that doesn’t have a feedback loop?

Also, how does the self-equalization function take into account that different amplifiers may incorporate very different amounts of feedback, and may also subject the back-EMF to very different output impedances and damping factors?

Thanks again. Regards,
-- Al
I may have been wrong about the outboard boxes. Might be two. Just sent a note to Bob to clarify--the result of my being in the Chicago area and Bob being in Washington state. I'll be back.


Thanks for the post. I have no idea how good this speaker is or isn't, but you do have to love the ambition behind the design.  Best of luck with the venture!
I wasn't there but after listening to you're story about the dealer adding super tweeters and a Rel sub I would bet you were at David Weinhards store in Bel Air, California.
Yes, Taters, it was Dave's place. Good call. Bob was not supposed to pick dealers. As CEO, that's my job. I inherited the account. Now, I'm glad I did. I've come to respect David for his absolute dedication to providing his clients with the best audio possible. His opinions and mine often are at odds but his heart is in the right place. He does have extensive experience. I value the relationship.

Next, I don't bullshit about sound--ever. I too have little direct knowledge of the speaker's performance capabilities. I don't have my samples yet. Frankly, I'd prefer the purchaser to form his own opinions anyway. I may comment later when I hear them but am uncertain about breaking Audiogon rules since the phrase "conflict of interest" raises questions about my objectivity.

Now, onto a clarification: you get two towers, one subwoofer, one carton with two crossovers and one sub amplifier. I'm considering selling the woofers separately for those rooms with non-uniform coverage. Using two would be preferable under those circumstances. David was concerned about the thinness of the woofer cabinet--like 3", but at four feet tall, there's enough internal volume to allow very deep and powerful bass. Bob designed the shallow drivers for bore and stroke despite their slim profile. The woofer cab is georgeous with its multiple layers of hand-rubbed lacquer. You can use it in any way you can imagine. It won't shake since it has an internal mechanism to cancel cabinet vibration. Hell, make a coffee table with legs if you like. You'll not spill the wine!

There's more than one way to wire it and you'll be guided by a quick-start guide. One scheme utilizes an umbilical we provide which obviates the need for at least one run of expensive cables while simplifying hookup. Bob has provided terminals for bi-wiring but neither Bob nor I feel the benefit outweighs the cost (David Weinhart will throw a fit).

When we finally get feedback from you guys who actually purchase this system, I'll post updates from time to time. Maybe bi-wiring will improve it; I have no way to know at this time.

 I'm not much of a forum guy and that's why I left my phone number. If you have a pressing issue, post it here but if I don't respond in a day or so, call me. There's far too much subjectivity and pseudo-science on forums and I tire of explaining things like specs are meaningless, which, sadly, in the real world, and not on paper, they are.