Any information/experience with Olive ONE

I saw the ad for this in the A-gon classifieds as I was updating my virtual system. IF this gizmo is as good as the maker claims it to be, at the price, it may free up my laptop for better uses. A cursory google search shows no reviews or independent feedback re user interface and audio quality.
Ag insider logo xs@2xsmortega
Then the classified ad under media servers is certainly misleading. 2 days remaining in an auction for an item not yet existent?
Thanks Mofimadness. I went ahead and plucked down my $ to the startup. I'm not an early adopter for the most part. The Olive ONE looks, however, like the 2013 version of a Squeezebox Touch, which I have and very much like for the money, but sadly has been discontinued.
I've been very interested in the new Olive 4,5 & 6 shown on their website. After about 3 months the order button is still labeled "pre-order". I called Olive today & was told the company is in "transition" & the products are not available yet but will be "sometime in the third quarter". These new servers look like wonderful products but something seems odd here.
Is anyone familiar with this business model or have specific knowledge regarding the current state of Olive?
"The Olive ONE looks, however, like the 2013 version of a Squeezebox Touch"

They have been mysterious about how it works. It may well work like the Squeezebox products, using a remote library on your computer for indexing and playing your own music and through a remote site (like for internet streaming services. Then again, it may be more like Sonos or Bluesound, which index your music in your devices, and so limit the size of your library. The closest theng to Squeezebox is VOCO. The real problem with all the alternatives save Sonos is the dearth of internet services available, and Sonos has it's own issues.

Olive has been very secretive about the technical details of the One. I'll be keeping an eye on it until they give us more info, but until then my Squeezebox isn't going anywhere.