What's up with the ridiculous offers?!?

Is it just me or are the high volume of low-ball offers surprising anyone else?

Example: I list an item at 60% off what a current, desirable  component sold for new, and I get an offer for half (or less) of what I am asking! I've have been buying and selling high end audio & video gear for over 40 years and I know the value of gear, but I have never experienced such an destructive trend. I expect it from Craigslst or at a garage sale, but not from Audiogon.

I understand an occasional low offer, and it's usually accompanied with an explanation or apology for the balz it takes to make such an offer, but I am getting absolutely offensive offers for more than 75% of what I list.  

Are there any other sellers that would like to commiserate with me? Am I missing something? Is it just me?

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I've spent the past 38 years in the real estate business. The haggling is predominant there too.  I can't tell you how many times I've had a seller and a buyer come to an agreement, opened escrow, then 15 days later the buyer wants to start nickle and dime-ing the seller to death. For example, if one flaw is found in the property during the professional property inspection, that's a signal for the buyer to ask for another few thousand dollars to come off of the agreed upon price. I've seen a drastic change in this over the past 20 years or so. I've come to the conclusion that its a cultural thing. The days of the handshake being a man's bond is way past us guys ... way past us. 
"I have come to the conclusion that it's a cultural thing"

I guess that is a way to be politically correct. 

"I agree with jmcgrogan2, negotiation starts from someone making an offer and negotiate"

negotiation stars the moment you list something for sale