What's up with the ridiculous offers?!?

Is it just me or are the high volume of low-ball offers surprising anyone else?

Example: I list an item at 60% off what a current, desirable  component sold for new, and I get an offer for half (or less) of what I am asking! I've have been buying and selling high end audio & video gear for over 40 years and I know the value of gear, but I have never experienced such an destructive trend. I expect it from Craigslst or at a garage sale, but not from Audiogon.

I understand an occasional low offer, and it's usually accompanied with an explanation or apology for the balz it takes to make such an offer, but I am getting absolutely offensive offers for more than 75% of what I list.  

Are there any other sellers that would like to commiserate with me? Am I missing something? Is it just me?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xva6007
"I have come to the conclusion that it's a cultural thing"

I guess that is a way to be politically correct. 

"I agree with jmcgrogan2, negotiation starts from someone making an offer and negotiate"

negotiation stars the moment you list something for sale
negotiation stars the moment you list something for sale
Is this a new feature in Agon?  Listing AUTOMATICALLY negotiates by itself once listed?   

schubert2,777 posts01-25-2016 10:28amWhats something worth ? What someone else will give you .

I think this is the 1st time we agreed ... what someone else, a BUYER, will give you.  Only STUPID sellers negotiate with him or herself.