I have seen some Interesting comments about Mcintosh lately

These comments come from here and a couple of other sites.

1.The only people that buy Mcintosh gear are one's that just don't listen.
2. Mcintosh is what rich people buy just like Mercedes Benz.
3. Mcintosh relies on generational buyers as a business plan.
4. Mcintosh is known for rebranding products and putting there name on it.
5. Mcintosh has great looks but uses cheap off the bin parts.

I can't think of another high-end company that have so many stereotypes about the brand. On the other hand I can't think of another audio company that has been in business as long.


There is an audio website that praises Mcintosh 24/7 and it can do no wrong. I would rather hear a difference of opinion even though I don't always agree with the posters. The whole Fan boy thing whether it's Mcintosh, Rolex or Ferrari gets old really fast.

"While I am conscious of subjectivity of the comment and hate to hear myself say it because I always want to give a more definitive answer: It is particularly true with stereo equipment that synergy between the components, the listener, and the room itself creates the sound so the carte blanche condemnation of an entire brand is ridiculous."

Well most would certainly agree with that one Nad2, I think. You just have to understand that the very nature of these types of threads will always bring out these types of responses. I find some of them quite amusing myself but then again I always enjoyed the absurd antics of Beavis and Butthead when they were brought to my attention by my then 12 year old nephew.
 Having owned a MC402 I found McIntosh to have the absolute worst customer service in the industry and would never ever buy another!
I wear watches when surfing so I know what time it is, and because I have piles of water resistant dive watches that need to have some fun. Hey, watches have feelings too. A note regarding the "church lady" consciousness that raises its thick humorless head around here from time to time…these forums should remain somewhat "open" and brand condemnation or quasi religious cult-like appreciation are simply two extremes of this stuff, and if you can't handle THAT, you need to turn off the computer and get the orderly to tweak your meds…maybe let you out into the yard to look at the ducks…get a nice watch…something…listen to a McIntosh 275 and bathe in the warm glow of the LED lit tubes…go surfing...