What used speaker would you buy with $20,000-$35,000 and why?

I'm closer to the 20,000 part, but if I get stretched i would like to know higher recommendations. Remember, this is on the used market - not retail. I'm even interested if you think I should make a huge jump (say to 50,000), but I want to know what justifies that jump. I'd like the best bang for the buck and even the worse bang for the buck. Are there speaker lines that are totally overlooked that sound wonderful in this price range that I need to be exposed to? I may go higher, but lets start there.

PS Let's just assume the upstream equipment is adequate to drive any recommended speaker. We are not limited by upstream components.
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For me it would be a newer set of Classic Audio Loudspeakers model T-3.3 or later. They fit in my room, they can be placed against the wall behind them. They are easy to drive (16 ohms, 98 db 1 watt/1 meter) and are full range to 22Hz. They are very fast and smooth, owing to field-coil powered drivers, the midrange of which has no breakups until 35KHz and also covers most of the spectrum from 500Hz to 12KHz.

When I go to audiophile's homes and hear systems with less efficiency, I am often struck by how **small* such systems sound, even if they get imaging and all the nuances seemingly right; something is usually missing, and that something is the power limitations that result from low efficiency.

When making recordings (I run a recording studio and have done a lot of field recordings using just two mics), I find that if the recording sounds right on these speakers then it actually is right; I can trust them to be correct. 
I've always like the big floor standing Avalon loudspeakers.  They image wonderfully and have all the clarity and detail you could ask for.   That being said, I'd rather put together a Linkwitz LX521 system for under $5000, which will equal or outperform even the big Avalons.  I'd set 'em up against ANY loudspeaker at ANY price.  Drop $5000 on the LX521 and then take your spare $15,000 and tour Europe.  Go see some live music there or anywhere and still have speakers at home that won't be surpassed by anyone.
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That's a serious investment and critical one.  I agree with dougles_schroeder, if you can attend one of the audio shows and then make an decision. AXPONA 2016 right around the corner :-)

We can forward our recommendations based on our associated components and listening experience but what sounds good to my ears may or may not sound good to you.  

I settled on B&W 800D2 couple of years back.  To my ears, they are the best sounding speakers at 24K price point. You can get them on used market in 12K-16K range.  

Good luck!