Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?

I have looked at several components in Audio Research's line and they are discontinuing the LS17-se, PH8, and PH6.  They discontinued the DAC 8.  I know there is a new Ref 6 to replace the Ref 5se and their is a new Ref Phono 3 to replace the Ref Phone 2se coming out.  I talked to my dealer and he stated that Audio Research seems to be making their components look more McIntosh like in the Galeo series. 

The dealer stated their isn't going to be anything that he has heard that will replace the other lines at this point and that AR will be starting at the LS-27, which is $7500 for preamps.  The Ref 75se is the beginning of the line for Amps, which I know, but man are they going the Mac route with prices, nothing to replace the DAC 8 and the other DAC in the line is $11,000, what's up with this, have you guys heard anything more. 

The starting point for AR equipment is getting pretty high and the only way a newer person without means will be able to afford it will be to buy use, which could send the used prices up if there isn't anything else in the line.  What do you guys think and what have you heard?
ebm3,014 posts01-26-2016 8:52amHad ARC 20 yrs ago don't care now!!

Boy, you're an old f...!!!   Smart move, there are NO innovations past 20 yrs.

@oregonpapa-  Yep!  Prices certainly do go up when a company starts buying multi-million Dollar buildings in Milan, Tokyo, and Berlin, like they did in downtown New York City.   Then decks them out with indoor pools and roof-top gardens.     I didn't mind spending my money for those great sounding ARC preamps I owned, years back.   Damned if I'd invest in Fine Sound Group's excesses though.
^^^ I don't want to get into a pissing match with you rodman ... but where can you find a suitable building these days in Milan, Tokyo or Berlin for less than "multi-millions?" 

And by the way, I don't think the employees of ARC are enjoying those "rooftop gardens" in Minnesota this time of year. 

Do you belong to the "profits are evil" crowd???  How's Bernie Sanders looking to you these days?? *lol*
oregonpapa, top of the line is top of the line, don't let model numbers confuse you.
2008 ARC's most expensive line preamp was $10K.
Today, ARC's most expensive line preamp is $30K.
Forget the names, just look at the cost.
^^^ Sorry, but you guys are looking at apples vs oranges. The top of the line ARC preamp is a different animal.  One box vs two. More electronics and state of the art doesn't come cheap. For those who can afford 30k for a preamp, more power to them. If ARC dealers can sell a million of them at 30k more power to them as well. Its called capitalism ... and believe it or not, even in today's world, capitalism isn't a dirty word.