Audio Research discontinuing lower lines components?

I have looked at several components in Audio Research's line and they are discontinuing the LS17-se, PH8, and PH6.  They discontinued the DAC 8.  I know there is a new Ref 6 to replace the Ref 5se and their is a new Ref Phono 3 to replace the Ref Phone 2se coming out.  I talked to my dealer and he stated that Audio Research seems to be making their components look more McIntosh like in the Galeo series. 

The dealer stated their isn't going to be anything that he has heard that will replace the other lines at this point and that AR will be starting at the LS-27, which is $7500 for preamps.  The Ref 75se is the beginning of the line for Amps, which I know, but man are they going the Mac route with prices, nothing to replace the DAC 8 and the other DAC in the line is $11,000, what's up with this, have you guys heard anything more. 

The starting point for AR equipment is getting pretty high and the only way a newer person without means will be able to afford it will be to buy use, which could send the used prices up if there isn't anything else in the line.  What do you guys think and what have you heard?
czarivey2,343 posts"They've also become less reliable, less helpful and certainly less useful when it comes to servicing discontinued units. "

I haven't found this to be true at all, either with new units or older ones. Do you have any actual experience that you can cite, or is this just the usual ARC-bashing that's so common here?
I haven't found this to be true at all, either with new units or older ones. Do you have any actual experience that you can cite, or is this just the usual ARC-bashing that's so common here?
What do you think??   Not true from my ACTUAL experience.

Its not hard to get good sound these days. If you are targeting high end, whatever that means, you probably have to be pricey and build Lamborghinis. But how many people really want or need a Lamborghini? Gotta make your money somehow.

Really sorry to hear that this has affected one off my favorites  ARC to such an extent though. Should have left good enough alone IMHO. But that ain’t the way things go  these days though.

Even one of my other favorites, good old blue collar OHM has raised prices considerably in recent years, at least for new stuff, but they also provide many ways to get the same quality sound for less via upgrades, trade-ins, refurbs, sales etc.     Gotta look out for your customers always.  That's the main thing.

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No bashing my friend. I call it get the bang strategy! 
Got around servicing SP-3(great preamp used to be affordable!) myself with no help of ARC. Vinyl engine did it all with schematics and circuit elements IDs. Chris from partsconnexion(Sonic Frontiers) was also very helpful.
If you send unit to ARC to repair -- they'll be happy and friendly, but if you're asking questions and parts they won't pick up phone. Same thing happened to VTL and especially Accuphase of US(worst s-holes on the planet!). I totally understand get the bang strategy in details: if you really want to bang someone ye gotta be very nice and polite. Listen to all these commercials on TeeVee and learn...
Sorry but no need for their 'friendly brainwash' -- savvy myself and ain't their 'female dog'. Serviced legendary PH1, PH3s -- great units(used to be affordable), and happy to say no need any ARC help at any time.