Joseph Audio RM25XL

I had a pair of JSE Infinite Slopes back in the 80's and loved their sound, but they were a bit bass shy. I just acquired a pair of RM25XL speakers and got them set up this afternoon. Out of the box, for some reason, they were not that impressive, but after a few hours of listening to them, I am just blown away. The soundstage is immense with the players suspended in air. The extension on the upper end is very impressive and the low end, while not extremely low, is very well controlled and powerful. I have heard a ton of really fine speakers in this price range, but I must say these speakers have absolutely no deficiencies. I wouldn't describe them as particularly "warm", rather extremely accurate and musical. I am using a Modwright KWA 100SE amp and a Belles 22A preamp and these speakers are simply creating a magical sound I have not heard before in my listening room. All plans for off for tonight... I am gonna be tipping a few brewski's and getting acquainted with these fine new speakers.
Thanks Soix. Before I shortlist them ... how do they perform  on female vocals....are they known to have a big sound...on the rich side perhaps?

Anyone else has feedback?

oh...neutral probably means not on rich side...:) Just trying to stay away from lean sounding much image density...thin. Thanks. 
They are not thin sounding, but neither do they embellish the mids/lower mids that some speakers do to artificially enhance the midrange.  That's why I called them linear.  If you think you might prefer a boosted midrange you might prefer a speaker that does that.  I find the RM25 mids to be very balanced and natural sounding, but thin is not a word I would use to describe any JA speaker I've heard.  The mids are very present but just not overdone IMHO.  They sound plenty large when called for considering their size, and their imaging, 3D soundstaging, and disappearing as a sound source are among the best I've heard from any speaker.  Hope this helps and best of luck.  BTW, there's a pair for sale here now at a good price that may be worth a look.  No association with seller. 


I have no experience w/ the RM25. I do have listening experience w/ the Pulsar + Perspective. These (2) models are all about the midrange.

Probably the best vocals that I have heard in any speaker. There is a down side, as to my ears, the top octave is rolled off and at least the bottom octave as well. This was present on both vinyl & digital recordings.  Not bad in any way. I believe that Jeff Joseph offers a true full-range (no roll off) on the Pearl 2 + Pearl 3 loudspeakers!

Strange....not sure what was going on where you heard the Pulsars/Perspectives, but they are certainly not rolled off on the top (or bottom) end.

To the OP, the 25xl/s were/are great speakers at their price points when new.  Absolutely not thin/lean at all.

(Joseph Audio dealer)