Ps: I found more info that might help you. When I first installed Amarra sQ 3.0, it did not work. I was told by Sonic Studio that I had to FIRST uninstall the previous version (I never knew this). Their instructions were:
Permanently Uninstalling Amarra:
1) Navigate to your Applications->Amarra 3.0->Extras->Installers folder in Finder
2) Double click on the Uninstall
This removes the Amarra application, Preferences and FLAC components. You can quit Terminal
after running.
When the uninstall is finished, do the following:
Download the current Amarra 3.0 Installer Here:
[Check their web site, or the email link you received}
- Choose Easy Setup when prompted
- Select Yes when asked to launch Amarra
- Click Activate to access the activation window
- Enter your code (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx), email address (yyyyyyyyyy), and current pw (zzzzzzzzzz0) in the spaces provided
- Click Activate again and when asked for a new pw, create your own new, unused password up to 16 characters long and enter in the space provided
- Click OK and you should be all set.
I also found the Amarra sQ Activation Guide below that might help you. See:
My Amarra sQ setup is:
Output Device is your DAC (azur Cambridge Audio DacMagic). My screen shows Ayre QB-9 DAC)
Channels are left and right
Sample rate is 44,100
Input Device is Sonic Stream.
Channels are left and right.
Sample rate is 44,100.
When Amarra sQ is being used, Pandora signal (for example) is being processed through Amarra sQ and then out the back door to your DAC.
I hope this helps. If not, please call Sonic Studio again for help. Please keep us posted.
Is the problem that Amarra sQ will NOT open on your MAC Computer or is the problem Amarra sQ opens but does not play music thru Amarra sQ?