I miss the Audio classified ads of the 70's and 80's in the newspaper

I remember getting my Sunday paper and looking at all the ads in the audio classified section. They would have private party listings along with dealer listings and ads for new gear. Obviously this is before the Internet ever existed. Call me old fashioned but I really enjoyed those days.

Don't worry about me being ashamed taters, worry about becoming old and sending the message thru some of your posts that the music that young people, including me, listen to and love is inferior. 
jetrexpro, it’s not necessarily an age thing. I was in my 20’s when rap/hip-hop emerged and I’m more inclined to like or accept it now than then. It’s not my thing, or hasn’t been so far.
I could name a lot of pop music artists, mostly in rock (which is more my thing), that have come along in the last 35 years that I like. Again, it’s not about being old and cranky. That’s a stereotype and not everyone fits it.

More on topic, I also miss the classified ads and the old days, but I love scouting Craig's list any time of day and perusing the ads for stuff I mostly don't need. It's fun. Multiple pics, in color, of each item, lots of text giving history, etc. Sending links to friends who might be interested in seeing the ads...these are the good old days.
^^^ I'm old. I'm cranky. Hey! ... you kids get off of the lawn!!  You all remember that guy, right? Well, I am now that guy.

I still enjoy going through the bins in used record stores and thrift stores. With thousands of records, do I really need another record? Of course we  need more records. Love to check out Ebay and Agon for equipment ads too.
I'm with you on this Taters, bought and sold a lot of equipment thru the Sunday LA Times back in the 70's and 80's.  Made many long term friendships thru those contacts.