In a lot of these threads people say without the room being treated

It's a waste of money to upgrade you're system. The problem is I don't think most people know how to treat their rooms. I really think it takes a professional to know how to treat a room. Sure you can play around with it if you like but it could also be a big waste of time and money. And I know hiring a person to acoustically treat a room can't be cheap. I wonder why more people don't discuss this subject and make recommendations on who does this kind of work. When I look at the big picture this makes the most sense.

While I completely agree that an untreated room is a killer to great sound I have to disagree about the difficulty in actually performing the act of treating.
Using the live end/dead end philosophy of treating  It's VERY easy to walk around a room,claping loudly to determine echo points.Upper& lower corner traps will be mandatory as will first points of reflection,lastly behind speakers to deepen sound stage & your all set!
 I think that WAF is the #1 reason many systems are left untreated.The real laugher for me is seeing a beautiful system stuck in a hardwood floor,drywall,glass room with NO treatments,must be like listening to breaking glass all day...
WAF factor ! Someone once posted about having Magnepan 20's in a living room and not having the wives approval to hang some treatments on the walls . Almost died laughing . Having giant maggie speakers Taking up valuable floor space out in the room was o.k. , but something on the walls . no way . Treatments have been better than most electronic upgrades for myself .