Paul Weitzel from Tube Research Labs

We lost a great person and audio giant, my condolences and sympathy to him and his family.

Paul's friendship, knowledge and passion for music will most certainly remain with me forever.

Very sad news.  Truly a stand-up, honest and kind man.  We have lost one of the good guys.  My condolences to Brian and his family as well.
Very sad indeed at this news. I've known Paul via the phone for several years. I always looked forward to our conversations. We spoke about my Dude, audio in general, the care of our parents, fishing, and the latest news, sometimes for hours. 

I believe if Paul had ever tried to go mainstream with his products like the Dude, Samsons, and his incredible tube amps he would be assured a place in the first tier of audio designers. 

As it is, he's on my A list as an audiophile, inventor, and most of all friend. 

R.I.P. Paul. 
He was an audio brother to me and cared little about $.  He was a brilliant designer (I owned a Dude, Samsons, and ST100) but a horrible businessman.   What a rare jewel and what a loss.  My condolences Brian (and family).
I was going to start a thread myself about Paul. He was one of my dear friends and like a brother to me. Not to mention the builder of the most amazing audio gear ever built. He will be missed every day. RIP brother.