New blog post on the Fritz Carrera Rev 7 BE

Hi, Gang,

I just posted a new set of listening impressions of the Fritz Carrera Rev 7 BE monitor on my audio blog. 

I enjoyed the read rebbi.  How do you like these Fritz compared to the Spatial Audios and which ones are you keeping?
I think that the Spatial M4's are quite wonderful and I'll be posting a full review soon. I didn’t purchase the Fritz Carrera's - Fritz sent them along to get some feedback with the 300B SET. I'm still in the midst of my 60 day trial from Spatial but I think they'll be keepers!
 Yes, indeed! They are several times the price of the Spatial M4 (which I love and will be posting about soon). Actually, the Fritz Carrera's are over my budget, which is one reason that I was so grateful that Fritz wanted to send them along for an evaluation. :-)