Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

As I've written before: my CJ Premier 12 monoblocks are driving the Thiel 3.7s very well.  If one wanted more "slam" to the sound, especially the bass, I suppose one could go to much more powerful SS amps or something.  But in terms of the evenness of sound, and bass articulation it's been a great combination.  That smooth CJ sound aligned with the see-through clarity of the Thiels is pretty magical for an "all the detail you could want, presented musically" presentation.

oblgny, I've heard the other arguments, but I steadfastly believe that "backasswards" is exactly how you should build a system! Starting with knowing how much of the contents of the billfold in your back pocket your willing to depart with, to the listening position in your room (where the sum everything before comes together), and the room (don't forget the treatment) is so important, then to speakers (the most colored of components, so make sure that those colorizations are the least objectionable possible) that will vary more in rooms more so than the vast majority of reasonably compatible electronics ever will, to the amplification needed to drive those speakers in that room, then keep going back to the source(s), then to the rack, finally fine tune with cables.

If you like Pass Labs, there's a good chance you'll like Threshold, some even prefer the Thresholds.

unsound + oblgny,
yes- Threshold and Parasound HCA series power amps still hold up well when matched to a Pass Labs XP-10 / XP-20 preamp!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!

Benchmark Dac, custom built tube pre-amp and also a CJ Premier 16LS2 pre-amp.   Also Eico-HF81 integrated.  I like tubes :-)

Cabling...I'm not a "cables" guy (I've had access to as wide a range of cables as you can imagine, due to contacts in the industry, and have found my money better spent elsewhere).  I'm using Beldon 10 AWG
speaker cable.  (My friend often thinks my system sounds better than his, even when he has $18,000 speaker cables in his system).
I guess that is another reason Jim Thiel's products appeal to me - more of a no-nonsense engineering approach vs the more fringy part of audiophiledom.