Best speakers for $3000

I'm looking to purchase a pair of towers 
I listen to mostly r&b soul rap and blurs/jazz I have a emotiva xpa 200 to power them 
bdp24 writes:"One problem with the LX521 is that it requires six channels of amplification---three stereo power amps. That nullifies it's low price."

Not at all.  The LX521 calls for 8 to 10 channels at 60wpc.  I run a 12 channel B&K AV1260 which meets that spec.  It retails for about $1200.  Linkwitz recommends an ATI amp that is also a 12 channel amp that retails at $1600 or so.  I see the B&K AV1260 amps going for $500 and less on EBay all the time.

So no.  The multi-amplification issue isn't a problem.  You're welcome to use more expensive amps, but it isn't necessary.
Russ, the problem really IS the amping.  You're basically locked into that B&K amp which most folks don't own. If you need to buy a new amp for the speakers, then you are locked into things and have a product that has a very small used market when you want to get rid of them.  Some, like you, will go for that, but 99% of audiophiles will never want to lock themselves into one or two amps especially when there are so many amps that are better on the market.  Just makes no sense business wise to lock yourself into that.  JMHO
I can't believe anyone mentioned Cerwin Vega in the same post as RF-7's. And any of you who think Klipsch speakers are a joke know nothing. RF-7's are very good speakers. Their Palladium line is as good as any speaker mentioned in this thread and their Heritage Line is outstanding. 

I know it is popular now days to laugh at Klipsch because they produce speakers for nothing you can buy at Wal-Mart. But they also still make some of the best speakers in the world.
At that price point the Golden Ear Triton 2's deserve an audition. Very nice speakers and with powered subs have plenty of bottom end! Image very well also ... they hold a center image like crazy even with the speakers fairly far apart and create a very nice soundstage. The main problem with them is that most people audition them with receivers and never really hear what they are truly capable of.
Regarding the trashing of Cerwin Vega, the XLS-215 is apparently quite good. Check out this review calling them "the best deal in home audio today". I'd love to hear them.

...but 99% of audiophiles will never want to <blah>
That doesn't mean it's a bad idea.