PS Audio DirectStream with Bridge II - FREAKIN' AWESOME!!!

I am new to this hi end game of sound and have been researching products for over a year and a half and I finally started buying up equipment last month.  I recently acquired a PS Audio DirectStream DAC and was really enjoying the sound with my cd collection.  I started looking at music servers for casual listening.  I love Tidal because there is so much music to discover.  I looked at the Sony, Aurender, Naim, on and on.  Then I did more reading and realized I could buy a Bridge II from PS Audio to stream Tidal and other services.  I received the Bridge yesterday from The Music Room in Colorado (another great company btw) and proceeded to install it in my DAC.  Once I installed the bridge I followed the directions on the PS Audio website about how to stream Tidal and within a minute I was up and running.  All I can say is this stuff is FREAKIN' AWESOME.  The album art appears on the front of the DAC, a little added bonus, but it was so easy to setup and control.  I am in not affiliated with either PS Audio or The Music Room, however, I wanted to share my excellent experiences with the rest of you A-goners.  You may all already know about this equipment but in case there are any other newbs out there like me I thought I would share my little adventure.  

Two questions.  Is there a way to stream other services to the Bridge II, I've been using Rhapsody for years?  Also, can you stream computer audio to the Bridge II as if it were a standard soundcard?  

Thanks folks.

- Chris

I believe that is correct, however, the app is only available on Android devices. I use all mac and have some music stored via iTunes. I downloaded google music and it allowed me to migrate my iTunes library with one key stroke. You also have the option to download other services. I am only using tidal so I haven't checked for rhapsody but I bet it is available. I would just call ps audio to make certain. 
I had a PS Audio PWD MKII with bridge 1.   I ran DLNA server on a Mac or Windows.  I prefer LMS over JRiver.   SQ was very good but Bridge 1 was very unstable that requires frequent recycles so moved on.

My brother replaced his PS Audio PWD MKII / bridge 1 with PS Audio DirectStream / bridge 11.   He brought it to my home over Thanksgiving.  It took ~10 minutes to download and install JRiver on my computer.  We use JRemote on his iPad ... SQ was a HUGE improvement over PWD.MK11.   Bridge 11 is very stable, faster and no failures so far.  

I haven't demo all available DACs in the market but at street price, PS Audio DirectStream / bridge 11 has to be one of the best ROI.
I’m late to the party but I downloaded Roon today. I use a Mac Book Pro to listen to ITunes hooked to my Exogal Comet. Do I need another player to use Roon app. Exasound  Power Play or similar?