if you had my system and $2,000 budgeted for an upgrade, where would you spend it?

This post may go a bit beyond analog, as it could encompass other parts of the system, but I am not interested in adding to the digital side of things, so here it is.

As far as I can tell, it seems like the places to spend that $2K would be on a better tonearm or perhaps a preamplifier upgrade.  I may be able to sell my Audio Research LS-25 and upgrade to ARC Ref 3.  As for the tonearm, I could sell the RB202 and get a Michell Tecnoarm, or step it up to an arm for about $1600 (are the Clearaudio arms nice?) and still have a little left over.

Can a tonearm upgrade make a significant sonic improvement?

I am not dying to spend money on an upgrade, and if the benefit of that $2K will be minuscule, I am happy to stay as I am for a while, my system sounds excellent.  But I am curious to know what the experienced people on this site would do the the $2K if they were in my shoes.

Where is the most improvement possible?

System Gear List:

Amplifier:  Audio Research VT-100 mkII
Preamplifier:  Audio Research LS-25
Phono Stage:  Whest Audio PS.30R
Cartridge:  Lyra Delos
Table:  Michell Engineering Tecnodec with standard RB202 tonearm
DAC:  PS Audio PerfectWave DAC mkII
Power Conditioner:  Shunyata Research Talos
Speakers:  Rockport Technologies Mira Monitors
Subwoofer:  Wisdom Audio SCS
Speaker Cable:  Cardas Audio Cross
Interconnect:  Cardas Audio 300B Microtwin XLR
Digital Music Storage & Player:  Apple Mac Mini + ROON + Hard Drive
Power Cables:  Shunyata Research Venom HC (amp, sub, conditioner)
Power Cables:  Shunyata Research Sidewinder VTX (sources)

My system can be seen here:  https://systems.audiogon.com/systems/5421
Dear marktomaras: as any small speaker the IMD is to high and even that rockport is rockport that IMD is still high a degrade de quality sound you are listening.

If I was you and with those Mira speakers I will buy two powered subwoofers with low and hi-pass filters that can permit to crossover at around 80hz in a way that the Mira only " sees " the frequency range from 80hz and up and the subs from 80hz and down.
Now, you can add that second sub in what you have if the Wisdom has hi-pass filter and if not and you want to continue using subs by Wisdom then you have to add an external crossover.

Maqking any of those two alternatives makes a huge differences in the quality overall sound you are listening right now. Yes, we need two subs connected in true stereo fashion:


then when you already have this kind of system high resolution with lower distortions you can think not only in a tonearm but better phono stage too.

Well, that's me but you are the owner of the " ball ".

Regards and enjoy the music,

That's a very nice, well thought-out system. I have one suggestion that could be a very noticeable upgrade to your sonics.
You don't say where you are using the Cardas 300B Microtwin ICs, but you can do much better by moving up the Cardas line. 

Cables such as the Clear Sky and Clear Light provide superior dynamics and deep, open imaging. Or move up to the Cross if you want a warmer cable.

Just a thought; IMO they are a weak link compared to your components.

I would get rid of any Cardas in the system once and for all. Then probably the arm.
Low rider,  That is a good observation.  I bought all of the Cardas 300B ICs as I needed a decent amount of cables, I and I couldn't spend 8-10 grand on cables.  I figured these would be a good entry level into high-fi cables.  At $200-$300 a pair, these were affordable (in the insane hi-fi world anyway) and I thought would be a huge step above $10 garbage, and hopefully a big step above Best Buy stuff.

Can I get a big boost from improving the IC  for any one source component?  Or do I have to also upgrade the amp, pre, and sub?