Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
If you will be using CD resolution SPDIF and can find an mhdt Constantine non -oversampling DAC used, jump on it and give it a shot. Should not cost more than $400 used. Then see if you can find something better for a bit more and and sell it if needed. Compare to a big bucks DAC before buying if you can. But personally, having heard and coveted DCS, there are so many good ones it seems for so much less these days, I would drop not that money on a DAC without trying the alternatives first. I’ve had my Constantine for several years and it still charms the pants off me every time. 
Hi all,

sorry for the paucity of posts.

Nothing much new in the listening room. Trying to sell some stuff, or trade it. I did acquire an Audio Magic Oracle (fully loaded) power conditioner for a price too good to pass on. I was going to upgrade my Shunyata Hydra AV to their new Triton V2 but the Oracle was too tempting. I'll compare it to my AV and see how it does. If better then I'll still get the V2 and compare the two. If not as good then I'll move the Oracle to my office system or sell it and move the Hydra AV to my office system. The Oracle only needs a week to burn in since it has well over a 1000 hours on it already. Thank God!!

Im trying to get my hands on a Lumin U1 still. I may just buy one and compare it to the Aurender N10 to make the final decision..... I'm also trying to arrange a trade with a local Lumin dealer.

I am also considering a new turntable now that my Zanden 1200 mk3 is here and set up. Wow it's stunning!! I'm considering either a Merrill Williams REAL table or a Townshend Rock7 since they both have incredible reputations for table/arm combos for under $10k.

I also want to get new PC's for my amps. Wanna try the new Shunyata Sigma HC since I love those Zitron Alpha Pc's so much. But I have heard great things about Enklein and am looking into it. disposable funds are limited now with an imminent purchase of a new office for the practice. Oy my wallet!!! But the new office will give me the space in my personal office to set up a great medium sized system. Which is awesome since I listen to my office system (currently Musical Fidelity and Kef) 6-8 hours a day....

i will admit that I have been a bit distracted by a new obsession with custom and semi-custom pocket knives and custom tops (yes, toy tops. But custom milled works of art that can spin for 15-20 minutes. Very very cool!).

I'll keep you posted as always. I can't wait for my Emm DAC to arrive!!! In the meantime I'm still
loving my ODSE! It's just amazing!

Matt - I recently built an ODSX for a customer that did not care about 176 or 192 file playback, so I installed my new XMOS USB interface in it for him.  This is the first one like this.  This combo is simply incredible. Hands-down the best SQ I have ever heard, from analog or digital sources.  Even really old tracks, like Peter Frampton live sound amazing.  He also ordered my Power Block USB cable supply to go with it, which makes a big difference.

I am still working hard on my new Ethernet interface, which supports all formats, PCM and DSD.  I should have one running in the next week I hope.  This I think will be the default interface for the ODSX.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

To clarify Steve's post.  I believe his proprietary chip for the ODSX is not DSD compatible.  So the Ethernet to I2S external unit would work for any DSD capable dac.  However, the built in Ethernet input may handle DSD but the dac itself will not process it.

As a previous owner of the ODSE, I believe how the ODSE processes a recording in PCM sounds better than all dacs that I directly compared simultaneously playing a DSD version of the same recording.

My version of the ODSX will have Ethernet direct input as this has been better sounding than USB from other dacs that have both Ethernet and USB inputs.  

Obviously this is subjective observation, but a perspective not mentioned here to date.