Servers: Are we there yet?

I was shocked to discover that my brand-new high-end server is entirely dependant on a functional wireless network. If either the Ipad or the wifi are not working, the server is rendered non-functional. I spoke to the dealer and he informed me that all the servers he carries are like that. Huh?!?
Hello again folks,

My new Sony Hapz1es is due to arrive on Wednesday the 10th.  I just had a discussion with one of my audio guys whom,  even though he does not sell it,  agreed with me that this is perhaps the best solution for me.  I got to listen to a slew of Bel Canto equipment while we were discussing things,  too.

Noice stuff.

I'll offer my immediate impressions as soon as I'm able.  Thanks.
@oblgny...I'm alittle confused?  Why do you have to leave your computer on or even be near it to use the Bluesound products?

And how does the Sony unit differ in hook up and access to the Bluesound gear?

I thought I understood how each of these devices work, but apparently not?

Because the vault has to be connected to the Internet to play at all.  

Thats the the sole reason why I purchased the Node subsequently.  

Why are you saying that the vault has to be connected to the internet to play?
Why are you saying that your computer has to be on for the vault to play?  
After reading about it, the vault acts as a NAS and has internal storage. You should be able to play files stored in the vault device without internet nor computer. If you have another NAS(e.g. Mycloud, Synology, etc.) connected to your router, any files stored there should be accessible by the Bluesound app and played without computer nor internet.
Yes, you need internet to play streaming content (e.g. Tidal, Quobuz). If you have Bluesound app on a wireless device(e.g. tablet or phone) can't you control the vault wirelessly without a computer? Reviews seem to say that you can. 
Sorry, if I misunderstand, but it sounds like you are inadvertently making statements that kill Bluesound's lack of functionality and probably aren't true. With best intentions, Cheers,