Vinyl noob needs help with cartridge

I wanted to,dip into vinyl so I swung a deal on a super scoutmaster signature.  I am now trying to decide on a cart.  I am a vinyl newbie and have been trying to bone up on everything.  I was originally going to get an ortofon 2m black, but it's more than I really want to spend.  I considered the 2m bronze, the sound smith otello (or the modded version from mapleshade), and the zu audio modded denon103.  Anyone have an opinion on those choices?  Is the 2m black worth the extra? Any others closer to 500.00 that are of honorable mention?  
Well I found today and they had two dl103 left from a batch.  359.00 shipped was worth trying.  Feel free to flame away.  I have no experience so based on research and some recommendations I went the denon route.  I will report back what I hear.  This cart comes modified and burned in for either 50 or 100 hrs I can't remember which.  I am hoping it is a good sound.  If not then I will be glad to try other recommendations.
+1 Swamp. Given that you are just starting out and own an AI pre (which one?) stick to a MM cartridge. Many choices out there. 
I have a modulus 2d, but am going with a ckearaudio nano for this journey.  I need something tiny as rack space is at a premium.
@2out2sea   it's been a long time since this thread was active but wondering how the experience was beginning till now.