Tidal vs. Spotify

Tidal sounds better for sure. Search functions aren't as good as Spotify but if you are currently using Spotify, give Tidal a try and let me know what you think!
Not at all, ghosthouse. Quite the contrary. I am actually curious as to how the 2 methods compare. :)
Tried both and it was no contest. Inputting the native Spotify signal to the dac followed by upsampling wins hands down.
Guess Windows was doing a hack job of digital upscaling. :)
Glad you got an improvement, Jon.  Check out The Antisocial Club when you get a chance.  Maybe you will like it.
Ghosthouse, thanks for the heads up. Will check it out.
The Jazz for Autumn playlist is what I have been listening to for my recent experiment.
It's interesting that Spotify does indeed sound like redbook quality.

I use  Tidal with Roon software installed on MacMini which is connected via USB to  Marantz NA11S DAC/network player.
The integration is flawless and sound quality is really like CD one.