Subwoofer cable recommendations

What do you Agon’ers think about Subwoofer cables?
Do I need to invest in ’the best’ or will a decent 10 guage wire, like KnuKoncepts be acceptable?
My current speaker cable is Transparent Plus 

Gdnrbob, as I indicated earlier amplifier and system dependencies result in there being little predictability in this case (and in many others) as to the optimal cable choice. And I have no knowledge of the KnuKonceptz cables other than what appears at their website. But speaking from experience in a full-range application I doubt that you would be disappointed with this cable from Cable Solutions. Depending on your choice of the Vampire Wire terminations it is offered with, you would probably be spending a bit more than $100 for the two cables you need.

Although per my earlier comments they are much heavier gauge than necessary (12 gauge in this case), compared to many such cables they are visually unobtrusive and highly flexible.

BTW, when you said...
I am using Transparent Plus cables to the speakers, so, as per the Vandersteen hook up, I probably need the same length for the subs.
... I assume you meant that the same length would be needed in order to physically locate everything where you would want it. There is no technical reason why the sub cables and the cables to the main speakers should necessarily be the same length.

Good luck. Regards,
-- Al

Akg-ca- If I had unlimited funds, I would get what I know to be 'quality' cables, but I got caught up in buying more stuff than I originally thought I needed. I need to cut a few corners until work starts up again...

Amarg- thanks for the link. I will check them out. I ask about KnuKonceptz because the guy who sold me the DNA-1 thought them to be pretty good.
Regarding sub placement- unfortunately, I have to run some longish cables (25feet). I got some old Transparent Supers that needed repair, and was convinced to 'upgrade' to current model Plus series. It was way more than I wanted to spend, but I did it. With my new subs on the way, rather than invest in such expensive cable, I hoped I could get away with something more reasonable in cost (since they're only running low frequencies). Hence, the question.
(((I have to run some longish cables (25feet). I got some old Transparent Supers that needed repair, and was convinced to 'upgrade' to current model Plus series. It was way more than I wanted to spend, but I did it. With my new subs on the way, rather than invest in such expensive cable, I hoped I could get away with something more reasonable in cost (since they're only running low frequencies). Hence, the question.)))
Wow did you almost blow it
 Amarg post's are spot on others are well intended but misguided babbling relative to your scenario.

 Just get the standard normally supplied Vandersteen 2WQ twisted pair sub cable its affordable and works.
 The Transparent cable is on the darker side and at its best with a speaker that's on the brighter side, just not yours.
 After 4 weeks of run in with it you will likely not hear the magic you paid for with your speakers and 2WQs. 
  The Vandersteens 3A Sigs work great with a relatively affordable AudioQuest cable like Rocket 88
Together they offer Superior articulation tonality and involvment.
With proper high Pass set up and tilt back the speakers will disappear and engage you with their musicality, sounding less like great speakers and more like music itself.
Follow it up with any of the new AQ interconnects Red River on up.
Perhaps you can sell off the main Tranpt cables to someone else who can find a good home using those funds to upgrade yours.
  Best JohnnyR
The original Vandersteen sub cable has long disappeared, so I had to buy something new.
I took Amarg's suggestion and purchased a pair of Cable Solutions cables. I, too, find his comments to be spot on (and I have looked at numerous posts). Thanks, Amarg!
Re: Transparent Cables, I have to say the upgraded Plus cables really sound nice. Perhaps a 'brighter' cable would work better, but, despite not yet 'burning in', I really am enjoying the sound quality.( I was using an older Transparent Music Wave-with a white cable-that didn't have the subtlety that the new cable has).
When funds allow, I think I will try the Audioquest Rocket 88's and compare them with the Transparent's. Though a quick Google shows the length I want to be roughly the same price as the Transparents.
I went thru this process a few months ago, when I received a pair of JL Audio F113V2 subs.

I enjoy Wireworld cabling for my interconnects and speaker cables and bought a set of their "Oasis 7" cables with RCA connectors to use with my former Velodyne sub, while I was waiting for the JL subs to be available.  They were relatively inexpensive, never heard any "hum" using them.

My audio buddy let me know that the JL Audio design converted the "unbalanced" into some other format inside the class D amp, and that it was better to connect them to balanced preamp outputs/cabling, so what the heck, I bought a pair of the same "Oasis 7" cables with balanced connectors.  They are eight meters long, not a trace of hum from the F113V2's.  I can't remember their cost, but it was modest.